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Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3

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Full gun list.
     Hello everyone I am going to be talking about CoD:MW3 today. In my personal opinion this is a really great and addictive game. It was a great relief from Black Ops. As Black Ops was becoming predictable and was very buggy. There were way to many ways to boost and spawn trap. Which made the game unfair and predictable. When MW3 was released I went out to my local Wal-Mart and purchased one of the last copies they had. I was so excited that I rushed home and started the campaign right away. Now the campaign was good, but not what I was really expecting. I loved the detail and story to it just not the way they didn't do anything special in this one. I was shocked and surprised by how the campaign ended. Finally killing Makarov was amazing and a little depressing at the same time.

     Now I say depressing because in order to get to that point you lost some of the main characters such as Soap and Yuri. Without them further relases of CoD may be extremely different and may take soem time to get use to. The mulitplayer online action is amazing as well. Although it seems like its still the same pattern and nothing new or challeneging about it. I like how they made it more realstic with the kills though. This makes online easier and a lot more fair to everyone. Along with the killstreak rewards it makes it possible for even the new players to play just as well as the experienced players. All it takes is getting to know the maps and how everyone plays them.  The weapons in MW3 are absoultly stunning and perfect for any player. They even brought along some of the classic guns that everyone knows and loves. Such as the Barret 50. Cal, Scar-H, M-16 and many more of your favorite guns.
Special Ops Survival.

     Now they have added an amazing new Special Ops to your game play. It is called Survival. You start off with a simple handgun and go around trying to defend off waves of enemies. As you progress with waves the enemies become stronger and larger in quantity. As do the weapons and upgrades. There are three crates to help you protect yourself for a longer amount of time. They are Weapons, Equipment and Air Support. With these three on your side you are able to survive waves as if they were nothing. You also have your classic Special Ops Missions as well. Like the traditional training exercise.

Part of the campaign.
     Since the game as been out for a few months the maps and guns are more comfortable and players are starting to find the best ways to win as well. Also the first DLC Maps are going to be released in just a few days for Xbox 360 on January 24. For the Elite Premium members you will get it before anyone else. If you wish to sign up for Elite Premium it cost $50.00 US and I will leave a link below along with a video preview of the upcoming DLC. For questions and more information contact me or leave a comment and share what you know.  I give it a 4 out of 5 rating. Thanks for reading!

MW3 First DLC release preview.


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